Research Team

Dr. Theodoros D. Tsiboukis, Professor

Role in the project: (Principal Investigator) General scientific administration, primary decisions for the project’s research axes and the optimal exploitation of the relevant resources, guidance of the research team during the entire project, preparation of intermediate and final reports, constant update of the Research Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Freeholder) and the General Secretariat of Research and Technology.
Dr. Nikolaos V. Kantartzis, Associate Professor

Role in the project: Advanced computational higher-order methods, metamaterials, graphene, plasonics, absorbers, modeling and homogenization of complex structures.
Dr. Theodoros T. Zygiridis, Assistant Professor

Role in the project: Enhanced numerical techniques in the time domain, graphene, parallelization and development of algorithms in graphical processor units, micro-electromechanical systems, metamaterials.
Dr. Antonios X. Lalas, Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Role in the project: Metamaterials, homogenization techniques, radio-frequency micro-electromechanical systems, components in the THz regime, computational electromagnetics.
Dr. Michail G. Christodoulou, Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Role in the project: Metamaterials, homogenization techniques, optical nanocircuits, plasmonics, absorbers, computational electromagnetic.
Stamatios Α. Amanatiadis, Ph.D. Candidate

Role in the project: Graphene, plasmonics, computational electromagnetics.
Theodosios D. Karamanos, Ph.D. Candidate

Role in the project: Metamaterials, homogenization techniques, computational electromagnetics.
Georgios G. Pyrialakos, Ph.D. Candidate

Role in the project: Graphene, radio-frequency micro-electromechanical systems, THz metamaterials, computational electromagnetics.
Athanasios N. Papadimopoulos, Ph.D. Candidate

Role in the project: Metamaterials, optical nanocircuits, graphene, plasmonics, absorbers, computational electromagnetics, quantum mechanics.